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Declaration of Independence from Toil

Declaration of Independence from Toil
When in the course of technological evolution, it becomes necessary for engineers to break free from repetitive tasks and embrace innovation, a new approach is required. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all engineers deserve the right to meaningful, creative, and innovative work, free from the burdens of toil. Join the movement towards efficiency and freedom from toil.
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Published on
July 4, 2024
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Autonomous FinOps: The Future of Cloud Cost Management

Autonomous FinOps: The Future of Cloud Cost Management
In a recent survey conducted by McKinsey with IT directors and IT organizations, one of the key takeaways was that FinOps is one of the most important and emerging practices that they have been adopting throughout their IT and technology organizations in the last couple of years.
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June 7, 2024
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Why Choose a Reservation Plan Over a Savings Plan? A Common but Crucial Question

Why Choose a Reservation Plan Over a Savings Plan? A Common but Crucial Question
Discover why many organizations choose Reservation Plans over Savings Plans in cloud financial optimization. Explore the benefits of cost predictability, higher discounts, enterprise agreements, and accounting advantages, even with minimal additional costs. Learn how Reservation Plans can impact your financial strategy and cloud usage effectively.
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June 3, 2024
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Why B2B Application Performance & Latency Matter

Why B2B Application Performance & Latency Matter
Performance & latency matter for B2B SaaS Applications, impacting user experience and ultimately retention and revenue.
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Published on
May 31, 2024
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Reducing Incidents with Autonomous Cloud Management: 7 Lessons from Autonomous Vehicles

Reducing Incidents with Autonomous Cloud Management: 7 Lessons from Autonomous Vehicles
The development of autonomous vehicles as a solution to vehicle accidents provides parallels for the development of autonomous cloud management as a path to incident reduction. Explore key lessons on reducing human error, leveraging AI, incremental progress, phased rollouts, and building user trust to enhance system reliability and safety.
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Published on
May 27, 2024
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The Amazon ECS Optimization Journey: From Manual to Autonomous

The Amazon ECS Optimization Journey: From Manual to Autonomous
While each organization’s approach is different let’s consider a journey through four stages of maturity from high-touch, manual processes to sophisticated, intelligent systems that enhance performance and cost-efficiency with minimal human intervention.
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Published on
May 24, 2024
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The Future is Autonomous: the AI-Driven Revolution in Cloud Management

The Future is Autonomous: the AI-Driven Revolution in Cloud Management
Traditional manual and rule-based automated systems struggle to keep up with the complexity of managing cloud environments leads to persistent issues with cost control and performance optimization. It's time to take the next step in cloud management—AI-driven autonomous cloud management platforms are solving the complexity challenge in modern cloud environments.
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Published on
May 23, 2024
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Using Amazon S3 Intelligent Tiering

Using Amazon S3 Intelligent Tiering
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is a widely-used object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance. S3 has a variety of storage classes.
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May 20, 2024
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Choosing Amazon S3 Storage Classes: Key Considerations

Choosing Amazon S3 Storage Classes: Key Considerations
Key considerations when choosing Amazon S3 storage class include access frequency, performance (retrieval time), availability, durability, and cost. S3 Standard is ideal for frequently accessed data. S3 Standard-IA and One Zone-IA are cost-effective for infrequent access. Glacier, Glacier Flexible Retrieval, and Glacier Deep Archive offer substantial cost savings for long-term archival storage. Intelligent Tiering is beneficial for unpredictable access patterns, automating cost savings by transitioning data between tiers.
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May 19, 2024
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Understanding Amazon ECS

Understanding Amazon ECS
In this post we'll take a look at ECS vs other Amazon Compute models and some key concepts in Amazon ECS.
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May 10, 2024
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Amazon ECS Optimization Challenges 

Amazon ECS Optimization Challenges 
Successful ECS optimization impacts financial performance including both cost savings through reduced overprovisioning and discount management, and revenue gains from application performance and latency gains. While ECS offers a range of controls and strategies, including rightsizing and utilizing spot instances, implementation is complex when managed with manual methods.
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May 10, 2024
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Four Engineering Optimizations for Amazon ECS

Four Engineering Optimizations for Amazon ECS
Explore four essential engineering optimizations for Amazon ECS - rightsizing, task placement, autoscaling, and scheduled shutdowns. Learn how to enhance ECS service performance and reduce costs with real-world examples of CPU optimization, memory efficiency, and task management. Discover the benefits of AWS Graviton instances for cost-efficiency and performance, strategic deployment through task placement, and cost savings with larger instance types. Understand how autoscaling adapts to traffic changes and how scheduled resource shutdowns during off-peak hours can further reduce expenses. Optimize your AWS environment for better performance and cost-effectiveness with these proven strategies.
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May 10, 2024
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Using Amazon ECS Spot, Savings Plan and Reserved Instances to Optimize Costs

Using Amazon ECS Spot, Savings Plan and Reserved Instances to Optimize Costs
Discover AWS pricing models for ECS in this guide, covering On-Demand, Reserved Instances, Savings Plans, and Spot Instances. Learn how On-Demand instances offer a flexible pay-as-you-go model for fluctuating workloads, and explore the long-term discounts available with Reserved Instances and Savings Plans for predictable usage. Delve into Spot Instances, which provide steep discounts for fault-tolerant or stateless applications. This article also explains how to optimize costs and ensure availability by mixing On-Demand and Spot capacities, with a focus on ECS’s capabilities in automating Spot Instance lifecycle management and integrating with AWS Auto Scaling Groups. Perfect for optimizing your AWS spending strategy.
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Published on
May 10, 2024
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Introducing AI-Powered Automated Rightsizing for Azure VMs

Introducing AI-Powered Automated Rightsizing for Azure VMs
In environments where applications are not suitable for microservices architectures, rightsizing and in particular vertical scaling becomes a critical strategy to achieve cost-effective operations while meeting performance requirements.
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Published on
May 7, 2024
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Introducing AI-Powered Rightsizing for AWS EC2 VMs

Introducing AI-Powered Rightsizing for AWS EC2 VMs
In environments where applications are not suitable for microservices architectures, rightsizing and in particular vertical scaling becomes a critical strategy to achieve cost-effective operations while meeting performance requirements.
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May 7, 2024
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Rightsizing Kubernetes Dev/Test Environments: Saving $500K/yr in 60 Days

Rightsizing Kubernetes Dev/Test Environments: Saving $500K/yr in 60 Days
A technology company achieved a 25% cost saving across 1,400 Kubernetes services with Sedai's autonomous optimization technology by rightsizing Dev/Test environments. AI-powered autonomous optimization optimized Kubernetes requests and limits in Kubernetes workloads and optimized instance count and type. An AI driven approach was more effective than manual optimization, especially given the small spend on each individual service. Optimization is one key capability of Sedai's autonomous cloud management platform.
Published on
April 30, 2024
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FCIs Are the New Availability

FCIs Are the New Availability
Failed Customer Interactions (FCIs) are a valuable metric measuring customer experience that accounts for the declining usefulness of time based measures such as uptime in microservice based architectures. It provides valuable insights into system availability from a customer-centric standpoint.
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Published on
April 26, 2024
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Kubernetes Cluster Scaling Challenges

Kubernetes Cluster Scaling Challenges
In this article we will explore the reasons behind our adoption of Kubernetes, delve into the concept of autoscaling within Kubernetes, and specifically focus on cluster autoscaling. Throughout this article, we will examine the various tools that enable cluster autoscaling configuration
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April 25, 2024
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Using Scheduled Shutdowns to Optimize Amazon ECS Development Costs

Using Scheduled Shutdowns to Optimize Amazon ECS Development Costs
Keeping Amazon ECS development & testing environments workloads running when they're not actively used can lead to considerable expenses for teams.Implementing scheduled shutdowns of Amazon ECS cloud resources when not in use can lead to cloud cost savings with relatively little implementation effort.Four ways to achieve shutdowns for Amazon ECS include (1) manual shutdowns, (2) Lambda functions, (3) Cloudwatch templates and (4) schedules inside a platform such as Sedai.
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Published on
April 22, 2024
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Five Capabilities of Autonomous Cloud Management Systems

Five Capabilities of Autonomous Cloud Management Systems
Learn about five key differences between autonomous and traditional automated systems. These include 1. Intelligent Decision-Making, 2. Dynamic Adaptability and Context-Awareness, 3. Self-Correcting Capability, 4. Complexity and 5. Scalability and Limited Human Oversight.
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Published on
April 21, 2024
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Mastering Autonomous Optimization for Amazon ECS

Mastering Autonomous Optimization for Amazon ECS
In this post, we will cover how to master Amazon ECS optimization using autonomous techniques. The autonomous approach can help with both ECS cost optimization and performance optimization.
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Published on
April 14, 2024
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Autonomous Optimization of Amazon ECS at KnowBe4

Autonomous Optimization of Amazon ECS at KnowBe4
KnowBe4's autonomous journey has led to 98% of their Amazon. ECS and Lambda services running autonomously, with a 27% cost reduction and over 1,100 autonomous actions in the past 3 months. KnowBe4 fhad aced an optimization challenge with their Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) services, leading them to adopt Sedai's autonomous optimization to reduce toil for engineers and improve efficiency. KnowBe4 implemented a three-part approach (Crawl, Walk, Run) to gradually adopt autonomous optimization, resulting in significant cost savings and performance gains.
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April 14, 2024
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Optimizing Cloud Costs & Performance with Autonomous Cloud: Panel Discussion with PayPal, TopCoder and Ironclad Engineering Leaders

Optimizing Cloud Costs & Performance with Autonomous Cloud: Panel Discussion with PayPal, TopCoder and Ironclad Engineering Leaders
In this article which serves as a summary of a collaborative panel discussion on monitoring and optimization strategies for cloud-based systems, we delve into the exciting advancements in this rapidly evolving landscape. We focus on crucial aspects such as cost management, performance optimization, and the emergence of autonomous solutions. Join us as we explore insights from the panelists and gain valuable perspectives on these topics. You can watch the full video here.
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Published on
April 8, 2024
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What is an Autonomous System?

What is an Autonomous System?
Is Tesla known for building the safest car on earth? They made an interesting discovery regarding task division. By examining all operations, they identified two distinct segments: One that can be effectively performed by machines and another that is better suited for humans. When the first segment is completely handled by machines without any human intervention, it is referred to as an autonomous system. This means that the system operates autonomously.
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Published on
April 7, 2024
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